A Bird, A Tree and A Lens

We (Marci, really) hosted some of my family (my Mom’s side and the local portion of my Dad’s side) for Thanksgiving dinner this year. It was a great time. I took some pre-party pictures, but then I set the camera down and never picked it up again, so there are no shots of people.

The next day, we continued our semi-tradition of trekking to a tree farm and cutting down our own Christmas Tree.

Some of my family returned that evening to help us trim the tree. Well, to help Marci and the girls — I don’t think I’ve hung anything on the tree other than the lights in several years. Again, no pictures of people. This time, however, what happened is that I went to attach my 17-40L lens and could not find it. Sadly, my best guess is that I left it at a venue back in July. Much sadness. I did take a few pictures of the decorated tree, keeping just the one shot at the right.

I’ve previously misplaced an HD camcorder back when they were still an expensive purchase. If this is becomming a habit, I wonder what I can do to try to curtail it?


  1. #1 by Finn on November 30, 2010 - 11:09 am

    I don’t know what’s worse: Losing a lens or dropping it.


    • #2 by Ren on November 30, 2010 - 12:48 pm

      Having done both, losing is worse because it makes you wonder if you’re going insane. Plus, drops aren’t always fatal, though the lens I had repaired after its drop was never quite the same.


  2. #3 by martymankins on November 30, 2010 - 1:18 pm

    I’ve left behind several items over the years, with most being returned to me (I used to label a lot of my stuff, or find a way that when it gets powered up, my name and number are there). It’s always a labor of worry that I am losing it while losing things. More due to having something that I really like to use, and in the case of something with data on it (camera, laptop), the thought that it’s not backed up somewhere else.

    Your tree looks very cool. And that bird… it’s got some cool looking grill marks on it.


    • #4 by Ren on November 30, 2010 - 3:41 pm

      I don’t know the story behind that turkey other than that it was smoked. As the linked pictures attest, we also had a traditionally prepared turkey. Both were yummy. 🙂


  3. #5 by Sybil Law on November 30, 2010 - 7:59 pm

    I love carrying my wristlet instead of my purse when I’m out shopping. Problem is, I frequently leave it in the shopping cart, or on the checkout counter or whatever. I usually remember or figure it out as soon as I get home, but crap! It’s a scary feeling! I’ve been lucky that I’ve always gotten to it before anyone else.

    In other words, don’t know what you can do other than to remember. 🙂

    Oh! You could check the craigslist lost and founds for the city of the venue. You never know!


    • #6 by Ren on December 1, 2010 - 11:23 am

      I checked craigslist as you suggested, but nothing there and I don’t feel like posting a lost entry for it. I also have an informal request pending to the venue, though I’m not optimistic about that. It still seems likely that it came home with me, but I don’t know where it could have ended up outside of my camera bags. 😦

      It’s not a huge loss as the functionality is mostly covered by another, albeit lower quality, lens. Still, it was a nice lens.


  4. #7 by Coal Miner's Granddaughter on December 1, 2010 - 9:18 pm

    I’m with you in the camera boat. My husband gave me a flash for Christmas two years ago and just when I need it, I can’t find it. Ugh. Glad you had a great holiday, though!


    • #8 by Ren on December 2, 2010 - 8:04 pm

      Yes, I’d likely miss the flash more, though it wasn’t as expensive. I hope yours turns up.


  5. #9 by Kevin Spencer on December 2, 2010 - 10:22 am

    I love the shot of the Turkey, looks amazing.


  1. Found It! « Renagerie

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