Political Phone Survey

I just received a phone call for a political survey. It was primarily about local issues, though there were some national questions. Oddly, right after I answered that if the election were held today I would vote for Bob Barr, and the interviewer confirmed my answer, the line went dead. There was no click or anything and I assume it was a technical issue, possibly even on my end (Vonage), though my Internet connection was still fine.

However, it certainly crosses my mind that it would be pretty easy to manipulate survey results by “dropping” calls….

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  1. #1 by Toben on September 10, 2008 - 4:03 pm

    That was actually me trying to figure out who you’d *really* vote for since I suspected you were going to vote for McCain/Palin based solely on the VP’s looks. A vote for Barr could never be based on appearance so that was all the info I needed and I hung up.


  2. #2 by whall on September 12, 2008 - 6:50 pm

    Weird. This blog post was fine up until you started talking about if the election were held today, and then nothing. The page went blank.

    whalls last blog post..Beginnings


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